win love

Author: prretyfoot
Word count: 26188


May. The night sky of Shanghai is shining with colorful colors under the reflection of neon lights. Brilliant family
The dance music in the colors nightclub is melodious, filled with a romantic atmosphere.

Ekalin walked into the colorful bright night, stepping up to the high stage in the middle of the dance floor, followed by Dis
With the strong rhythm of the co music, they danced flirtatiously. In the floor-to-ceiling mirrors on the surrounding colonnades, it is clearly reflected
Her gorgeous shadow.

appearance. Her silky hair was dyed blonde and flowed in long, flowing waves. The crescent eyebrows are curved, the eyelashes are thick and long,
With a pair of charming phoenix eyes. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are moist, the white teeth are neat, and the beautiful face is like a jade carving
It is generally pink, enchanting and gorgeous, and it is full of charm.

figure. The mature carcass is 172 cm, and the measurements are standard 90-58-92. Curvy
Embossed, plump and slender, with white, tender and crystal-clear skin; the towering soft breasts, flexible and well-proportioned pink arms, slender
The graceful waist, the round and strong buttocks, the slender and straight jade legs, and the slender and powerful showy feet are all full of beauty.
With the infinite charm of showgirls.

clothing. Wearing a trendy and avant-garde sexy outfit, it just set off her sexy body. top wear
It is a sleeveless and waistless gold powder illusion sling shirt, with breasts seductively half-let out; underneath is a high-waisted tight
The golden flashing trousers are finely tailored and made of elastic and silky fabrics, outlining the plump and round buttocks.
dew. On her slender and beautiful feet, she was wearing a pair of golden high-heeled leather shoes. The eight-centimeter-high tapered heels were plated.
Made of gold stainless steel, it makes the straight and well-proportioned legs look more slender.

The flirtatious dance came to an abrupt end at the climax of the music, and the audience applauded like thunder.

Ekalin smiled with satisfaction.

When the waiter brought a large bouquet of flowers to her, Ekalin was not surprised at all, she knew it was
who. Sure enough, it was Chen Zhongnian who “suddenly looked back” in that “dimmed place”.

As the female owner of the colors nightclub, every day is a very boring cycle.
The income is quite rich, but the hardships are self-evident, and the more important thing is the vicissitudes of the soul. The 28-year-old Dalian
Girl, she was tired of life until she suddenly met love.

It was very accidental that Chen Zhongnian appeared in Yikalin’s life. One night not long ago, the nightclub was
There was a dispute with the guest over the billing issue, and the guest complained to the newspaper office. After hearing the news, Ekalin rushed to explain the situation.
The person who treated her happened to be Chen Zhongnian, the editor-in-chief who was on duty.

Since it is a “public relations” Ekalin will inevitably resort to some seductive means, but Chen Zhongnian is not tall but healthy and clean
Beautiful physique, not expensive but very tasteful clothes, not much talk but humorous speech is indeed very
Attract the flirtatious nightclub proprietress. She noticed that he did not swear at all, notingnoticed that there was no
any tea stains, noticed that his desk was neatly organized, and noticed
The exquisite business card holder he uses. Chen Zhongnian imprinted in Yikalin’s heart with the image of a clean and decent Shanghai style gentleman

Things settled down. Ekalin returned to the nightclub and was busy until late at night when she greeted and sent her off.
When the female boss of the general meeting finally sat down to rest, she found that she was still thinking about Chen Zhongnian, thinking that he might still be there.
on duty. So, Ekalin called Chen Zhongnian and kindly invited him to Colors,
But Chen Zhongnian politely refused.

After a while, Ekalin visited Chen Zhongnian several times because of the need to place an advertisement. Chen Zhongnian
Every time I was very enthusiastic to help her, in addition to giving her a very favorable price, I also personally instructed a reporter to specialize in
Wrote several articles praising the colors nightclub. In order to express her gratitude, Ekalin also hosted several banquets
Chen Zhongnian. Although Chen Zhongnian never went to the meeting alone, he either brought the editor-in-chief of the entertainment page, or he also invited the editor of the advertising department
Director, we got to know each other after a while.

Ekalin felt that Chen Zhongnian was a perfect match for her ideal partner in all aspects. This Shanghai man
He has a handsome appearance, a slender and strong figure, a stable and interesting personality, a successful career, a good income, and a few years of annual salary.
100,000, and a higher social status, they are the elites that have been cultivated by society. He is well educated, well mannered
The demeanor and witty talk are absolutely not found in the vulgar men who usually go in and out of romantic places. The rarest thing is Chen
Although Zhongnian has been married for many years, he has no children. This is Yi, the “new good man” who is very sought-after in Shanghai today.
Karin can’t help but fall in love. This coquettish nightclub owner often calls Chen Zhongnian and invites
Invite him to colours. And every time Chen Zhongnian was accompanied by Ekalin himself.

She leaned against him, dancing slowly on the dance floor, chatting and laughing happily, until late at night when the music was over and all the guests were gone, did she fall in love?
Reluctantly broke up with him.

But no matter how the beautiful female owner of the nightclub shows her charm and hints at teasing, Chen Zhongnian always looks to the left
Right for him. This surprised Ekalin. She always thought that with her looks and means, Chen Zhongnian
Still in hand?

Chen Zhongnian’s dodge, on the contrary, aroused all kinds of novelty and suspense in Ekalin, and all kinds of guesses and thoughts.
elephant. Ekalin thinks that Chen Zhongnian is so different, so deep, stable, and so good at restraining himself.
desire. Such men are rare in today’s world.

Today is Ekalin’s birthday. She sent an appointment letter to Chen Zhongnian a week ago, which contained only
A fiery red lip hickey. Called him again in the afternoon. From the tone of Chen Zhongnian’s promise, Ekalin
I think he should be interesting, interesting to her Ekalin!

Ekaline decided to dress up. After choosing for a long time, she finally chose a golden outfit, with snowy muscles
The skin and the golden mercerized fabric complement each other, wearing
[mepr-showrules=”93″ unauth=”message”]
A set of platinum and diamond jewellery; eyes as black as a pool, deep
The bright stars fell into the eyes, twinkling and twinkling, echoing the delicate and moist lips of pearly rose color, expressing
Unlimited temptation and coquettish. The plump and round buttocks are tightly wrapped in the golden chiffon flashing trousers, following the show feet
The lightness of the golden high-heeled leather shoes moves and twists amorously, I believe it must be very attractive to him.

Sure enough, Ekalin saw Chen Zhongnian’s eyes in astonishment and greed. This voluptuous nightclub hostess
He smiled in his heart, but remained calm on the surface.

Chen Zhongnian, who has passed his forty years, has a pale face and a slightly thin body, with wisdom in his refined eyes.
The demeanor is elegant, the expression is serene, and there is a kind of calm temperament. Looks extraordinary in any occasion,
Outstanding. Has a unique appeal. Tonight he is wearing an off-white coat and trousers, which is different from what he wears in the daytime.
The image of wearing leather shoes.

He approached, and asked quite gentlemanly: “Can I dance with you?” “Puchi!”

Ekaline couldn’t help laughing.

He asked with some embarrassment: “Am I ridiculous?”

“Middle Year!”

Ekaline said coquettishly, “Can I call you Zhongnian?”


He nodded: “I like whatever you call me.”

Her heart couldn’t help being flustered. This coquettish nightclub female owner put away her frivolous expression, looking a little
He solemnly called out: “Zhong Nian!”

Having said that, she and he couldn’t take their eyes off each other because of the tacit understanding.

“You are really beautiful and charming. You are the goddess of the night.”

Chen Zhongnian praised from the bottom of his heart. He stared at her with an expression of joy and carnival unconsciously!


Ekalin smiled sweetly, “Tonight, all my time belongs to you.”

The coquettish female nightclub proprietor lifted his chin with her slender fingers, “I’m your woman!”

He took her hand and pulled her over gently, very lightly. Her sleeves are fluttering, light like a dream, like a gnat
The butterfly fluttered its wings lightly and flew slowly… and fell into his arms.

The music sounded just right. The guests embraced and danced. Ekalin also hugged her intimately.
Sweetheart. But at this time, out of the corner of his eye, Chen Zhongnian caught sight of a familiar figure—a small, thin man with a
Zhang’s flat face with Chinese characters is disproportionately large. Stiff ear-length hair, wearing an old-fashioned headband on his head,
The expression is reserved and serious. Dressed in a white crepe shirt and gray khaki pants, and espadrilles with plastic soles.

That’s right, it was his wife Huang Wenlan.


Chen Zhongnian frowned.

Yikalin followed Chen Zhongnian’s line of sight and saw Huang Wenlan. “oh!”

The clever nightclub proprietor immediately guessed who this thin woman was. “your wife?”

“um, yes.”

Chen Zhongnian was very embarrassed. He was apprehensive, hesitatingly thinking about how to avoidAvoid this troublesome phase

Ekalin looked at her rival again ━ This woman is very thin, so thin that she can be described as “out of shape”. indivual
The son is also very short, probably less than 1.50 meters. The eyes are round and big, but unfortunately there are two huge eyes
bag. The shirt was a popular cheap item with poor workmanship, and the two inferior shoulder pads bulged out, making her look like she was wearing two shirts.
Just a stiff fake arm. And she shouldn’t be tucking her shirt into her trousers, which makes her skinny even worse
fully exposed. Flat nose, wide mouth, finely wrinkled face. The corners of the eyes and mouth have drooped downward. this
A woman might have been attractive twenty years ago, but now her youth is gone, leaving only a musty smell━━
This couple is so incompatible! It’s hard to imagine that the clean and decent Chen Zhongnian would have such a bad wife.

“Hmph! This is really unfair!”

Ekalin couldn’t help being jealous, she thought angrily, she is considered beautiful, right? why not before
Have you met such a “good guy” like Chen Zhongnian?

This coquettish nightclub proprietress is a Libra, pungent and aggressive, she has already decided to
Wanting to win love with a sword, the sudden appearance of a rival in love aroused Ekalin’s competitiveness even more.


In this magnificent nightclub, Huang Wenlan’s suppressed tears overflowed uncontrollably

Yao recalled that when Chen Zhongnian was still studying at university, because of his poor family, he had to go to work and save money.
To study, to subsidize the family, no time to take care of the sick mother at home. Huang Wenlan is from a rural village in the suburbs of Suzhou.
A college classmate of 19 years, she is kind-hearted and often takes the initiative to take care of Chen’s mother and help with housework. Mother Chen is grateful
Xie Ji, on his deathbed, insisted on going his own way and decided on this marriage.

Usually, Huang Wenlan’s life trajectory is fixed, going to the vegetable market in the morning and in the kitchen in the afternoon. fourteen years of marriage
Now, the roadside saplings she passes every day have grown into big trees, but she is as unchanged as an old-fashioned clock.
change. Huang Wenlan’s marriage is also extremely dull. She is naturally cold, and there is almost no sex life between husband and wife
. Naturally, it is out of the question to have children. In order to make up for this shortcoming, Huang Wenlan tried her best to take care of her in life.
Chen Zhongnian, let him not be hot in summer and keep warm in winter, and if the family’s economic conditions permit, try to ensure that he eats well and wears well
good. And Chen Zhongnian was busy with work all day long, he always left early and returned late, and rarely talked to Huang Wenlan. day
The life is just like this. Fortunately, Huang Wenlanye is not a person who is extravagant, she just wants to maintain this kind of balance.
A light and peaceful life.

But today, Huang Wenlan’s time clock stopped suddenly and deviated from the original track. in the afternoon she was
While tidying up the room, I accidentally found the appointment letter from Ekalin that was well hidden by Chen Zhongnian.
Only then did I know that my husband had had an affair. In Huang Wenlan’s 40 years of life, this is the first time he has encountered such a difficult situation.
Hand problems, which made her change the clock years that have been unshakable and almost unchanged for the first time, and gave up every day.
Must-see TV series of the day, LifetimeFor the first time, I came to a nightclub where Yingge Yanwu danced.

Now, in this resplendent nightclub, I can see her husband getting intimate with a coquettish girl from afar
Hugging tightly, Huang Wenlan narrowed her tearful eyes, feeling extremely sad in her heart. The electric light was invented to prolong the day and drive out the darkness
Night, and the use of light here is to make the darkness darker, so that the original simple darkness becomes complex darkness.

Huang Wenlan looked up and saw that there were all sorts of strange lamps and lanterns, and the places where they were placed also had their own characteristics. This black light is
Deliberately bright, provocatively bright, seductively bright, and presumptuously bright. Huang Wenlan thought with grief and indignation: This is the male
People want bright.

The strange lights suddenly dimmed. Huang Wenlan couldn’t help but his eyes went dark, and he couldn’t see anything.
By the time her eyes adjusted to the darkness, her husband and the alluring girl had already stepped onto the dance floor together.

The music is soothing and gentle. Ekalin and Chen Zhongnian embraced and danced the tender waltz. The intoxicating music
With the intoxicating fragrance, Ekalin couldn’t help kissing him. Chen Zhongnian’s handsome face suddenly swelled up
Hong, his bewildered appearance, Ikalin will never forget. The fire of her lips, his kiss back
Gentle and lingering, Yikalin’s footsteps seem to be stepping on clouds, sweet and mellow, floating like a fairy.

The lights dimmed.

Huang Wenlan wandered to a corner surrounded by plants beside the dance floor, sadly looking for her husband’s identity on the dance floor.
trace. Just then, he watched helplessly as his husband and the flirtatious girl danced intimately and disappeared into the crowd.
This made Huang Wenlan’s heart ache, and he clasped his hands tightly, until the knuckles of his fingers turned white. there is something
The knuckles hurt. It’s a wedding ring. Huang Wenlan took it off subconsciously, and accidentally dropped it on the ground.
superior. She quickly squatted down and fumbled with both hands on the ground, but the light was dim, and she could only see a vague pattern.
Blurred leg shadows, I have been looking for Ji Hui’s surname Yejian for a long time? br /> Suddenly, a strong Cha in the darkness
The smell of el’s perfume came, followed by a sharp tingling pain from the backs of both hands, and a mass of tenderness pressed against her face. yellow
Wen Lan fell to her knees involuntarily, and the noisy voices and loud music drowned out her painful screams. Huang Wenlan
I understand that her hands were stepped on by a young lady’s high-heeled shoes, and her face was pressed against the young lady’s.
sister’s buttocks. She even felt that the lady was kissing passionately with the man she was dancing with. by this
The young lady’s plump buttocks blocked her mouth, making it difficult for Huang Wenlan to breathe, and her face turned pale.

The severe pain also made Huang Wenlan’s brain unable to think at all. She didn’t even realize that this was happening.
The lady is Icarine.

Of course, Ekalin also noticed that she stepped on two hands of a person, and her buttocks were also pressing against the
the person’s face. Although Ekalin wanted to move away, but Chen Zhongnian was kissing her so fascinatedly that he hugged her tightly,
I was anxious and didn’t know how to explain it to Chen Zhongnian. So Ekalin reached back, trying to verify her feelings.

As a result, he immediately touched the old-fashioned headband on Huang Wenlan’s head. “flutterChi! ”

Ekaline couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Ah? What are you laughing at?”

Chen Zhongnian asked strangely. “oh!”

Ekalin suppressed a smile to cover up and said, “It’s nothing!”

This coquettish female owner of the nightclub hugged Chen Zhongnian tightly back, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the passionate kiss with her lover.
Ignore the painful rival in the ass.

The short and thin Huang Wenlan knelt on the ground with her face upturned, bearing the weight of the round knot of the tall and fit Yikalin.
Poor Huang Wenlan’s eyes are dark, her hands are in pain, and her knees are numb with pain.
She couldn’t help opening her mouth wide to inhale desperately. Tongue can’t help licking Ekalin’s sexy deep groove

This wonderful encounter stimulated Ekalin’s lust, and she was so comfortable that she was ecstatic, even though it was the dance floor.
At the edge, the lights are so dim that you can hardly see your fingers, it is impossible to attract anyone’s attention.

But the excitement of cheating made Ekalin feel fresh. She and his lips pecked at each other, exploring, kissing
There was a slight numbness. She hugged his lips with hers, sucking tightly, exploring with wet
The tip of her tongue touched his lips, feeling the texture and elasticity of his lips, then she parted her lips and entered into his mouth
, soothe his tongue. Accompanied by panting, moaning, and entanglement of tongues of different shades; the kiss gradually accelerated, and finally passionate
Running wild like a hurricane. The voluptuous nightclub proprietress’ voluptuous buttocks wrapped tightly in gold tights
Exuding a strong scent of Chael perfume, she couldn’t help twisting excitedly, pushing Huang Wenlan back forcefully
Huang Wenlan’s heart palpitations were smoky.

Chen Zhongnian was so intoxicated by Chael’s fragrance that he didn’t realize that his wife was in Yikalin’s room at all.
Suffering after plump buttocks.

If he looked down a little, he would see Ekalin’s feet wearing
The eight-centimeter-long gold-plated stainless steel pointed heel under the pair of golden high-heeled leather shoes is “nailing” with golden light.
On the back of Huang Wenlan’s two hands, Huang Wenlan’s two hands turned blue and purple. In fact, Huang Wenlan’s
Both hands were so painful that they lost all feeling.

I don’t know how long it took, the music gradually died down, the lights gradually brightened, and the long and lingering kiss finally ended. “H
o! ”

Ekalin let out a long breath, twisted her plump and round buttocks, and moved her
With slender beautiful legs, she walked away affectionately holding Chen Zhongnian’s arm.

Looking at Ekalin’s coquettish and writhing buttocks as she walked away, Huang Wenlan suddenly understood what she had just done.
She couldn’t help feeling angry and ashamed about her situation. All of a sudden collapsed to the ground.


Ekalin brought Chen Zhongnian to her lounge. As soon as she entered the door, Ekalin couldn’t wait to kiss her
Living with Chen Zhongnian, the wonderful encounter just now stimulated Ekalin’s lust, this alluring nightclub hostess
Board also wanted to taste the feeling of victory again.

Chen Zhongnian hugged her tightly, kissed her temples, and sniffed the fragrance of her hair. Ecarine in sweetheart’s
Writhing in my arms, fascinatedThe coquettish voice was soft and charming.

The two were kissing to the point of deep affection, when suddenly, the door of the lounge was pushed open with a “bang” sound.
, she and he were not surprised, and looked at the door together, only to see Huang Wenlan leaning against the door with a pale face.

It turned out that after Yikalin left, Huang Wenlan was paralyzed on the ground. It took a long time before she rubbed the back of her painful hand and did
He took a deep breath, suppressed his grief and anger, barely calmed down, staggered up from the ground, and instinctively moved towards Yi
Karin and Chen Zhongnian staggered in the direction they left just now. Subconsciously, Huang Wenlan wanted to find her husband back
. She walked slowly along the corridor. Finally, at the end of the corridor, Huang Wenlan heard a male voice coming from a room.
The sound of people’s heavy breathing and the sound of women’s profligate moaning━━Huang Wenlan pushed the door open, the first thing she saw was the
Beside him was a huge white plush toy dog, still wearing a black leather leash. then she sees
There is a large mahogany bed facing the door. On the left is the window, on the right is a bar counter lined with famous wines, several black
The cylindrical leather sofa poufs are scattered around. The husband and the alluring nightclub hostess are leaning on the bar
hug and kiss.


The flirtatious and sexy female owner of the nightclub opened her red lips slightly, and said in an arrogant tone, “It’s you who came. That’s okay! On the contrary!
Yes, Miss Ben will look for you sooner or later. ”

Huang Wenlan forced a smile, “It seems that this young lady knows who I am. The reason for my coming should also be
Very clear, right? ”


Ekaline frowned slightly, “Okay!”

She decided to solve this trouble, “One hundred thousand yuan,”

The coquettish female boss took a bottle of red wine from the bar, poured a glass, and drank it down, “As long as you
I intend to divorce Zhongnian immediately, and this lady will pay in one lump sum. ”

“What if I say ‘No!’?”

Huang Wenlan replied bluntly: “I don’t want your “100,000 yuan” money, and I don’t agree to a divorce.
Woolen cloth? ”


Yikalin’s face sank, “You yellow-faced woman, are you toasting and not eating fine wine?”

“Okay, okay!”

Not to be outdone, Huang Wenlan said, “I’d like to taste what a prostitute’s ‘fine wine’ tastes like!”

While talking, she walked into the room, stretched out her hand to hold Chen Zhongnian, and said sadly: “Go, husband
! We go home. ”


Yikalin was furious. The charming female owner of the nightclub turned cold, and immediately stopped Huang Wenlan.
Just as I was about to slap it away, for some reason, maybe the fragrance of the Chael perfume Icarine used was too strong.
It was too strong, making Huang Wenlan dizzy. It may also be that Huang Wenlan left too hastily, and was caught by Ika all of a sudden.
Lin intercepted and stopped suddenly, so she didn’t stand firm. In short, Huang Wenlan suddenly knelt down with a “plop”
, her mouth just stuck to the toe of the golden high-heeled leather shoes on Ekalin’s feet. this moment, time
As if stagnating for a few seconds, Yikalin and Chen Zhongnian were all stunned, and Huang Wenlan’s blood was rushing all over his body.
superiorHer face was so swollen that her blood vessels swelled, and she was so uncomfortable that a vague “I’m sorry” came out of her throat habitually.
! ”


Ekalin couldn’t help laughing out loud, the alluring female owner of the nightclub jokingly said to Chen Zhongnian: ”
Hey, Zhongnian, your wife knows the rules quite well, and even kisses her feet. ”

After hearing this, Huang Wenlan felt even more ashamed. She blushed and lay on her knees, her head drooping so that her forehead was pressed against the ground.
, Did not even dare to get up.

Chen Zhongnian was funny and embarrassing, his special status made him unable to ignore Huang Wenlan. He bent over to lift up
Kneeling wife.

But I saw Ekalin’s slender jade legs seem to be raised inadvertently, and the slender jade legs wearing golden high-heeled shoes
The foot gracefully “landed” on the back of Huang Wenlan’s head, preventing Chen Zhongnian from “helping his wife”. Chen Zhongnian no
Jin was stunned, and when he looked up, he saw Ekalin staring at him without hesitation.

“Zhongnian, the window paper has been punctured! So Zhongnian, you have to make a choice now, do you want me?

Ekalin presumptuously tapped Huang Wenlan’s head with the golden high-heeled shoes on her feet, “I still want this
A yellow-faced woman? ”

Huang Wenlan was trembling with anger. The series of insults she suffered today was something she had never suffered in her forty years of life.
been there. She wanted to look up, but Ekalin’s slender feet in golden high-heeled shoes stepped on Huang Wenlan’s
Without letting go of his head, Huang Wenlan’s forehead was firmly pressed to the ground, “Let go, let me go…”

Huang Wenlan yelled angrily.

“What are you barking about?”

Ekalin scolded disdainfully: “Yellow-faced woman, wait until your husband says he wants you before letting you go!”

The scene in front of him gave Chen Zhongnian a strange impulse that he had never had in his life. He unconsciously looked down at Yi
Karin’s feet, I saw the delicate and fair feet of this coquettish female boss, wrapped in crystal clear and transparent silk stockings, her feet
A delicate gold anklet dangles from the ankle. The pointed tapered stainless steel gold-plated heel under the golden high-heeled leather shoes is in Huang Wenlan
Dazzling golden lights shone aggressively in the messy short hair. Chen Zhongnian couldn’t help but his heart fluttered, what did he really realize?
It’s an “amazing” feeling.

“Zhongnian, have you chosen yet?”

Ekalin asked: “Do you want Miss Ben? Or Huanglian Po?”

Chen Zhongnian looked at the glamorous Ekalin, and then looked down at the high-heeled leather shoes of this coquettish female boss.
The thin wife who stepped on her head finally couldn’t resist the current beauty, he blurted out: “I want you!”

Ekalin smiled happily, and blew a passionate kiss intimately. Her golden high-heeled shoes
The slender jade toes proudly stomped on Huang Wenlan’s head, “Huang Lian Po, your husband is mine!”

This coquettish nightclub hostess had a delicate voice, proudly showing off her victory.

Huang Wenlan’s tears flowed down her cheeks. She never expected her husband to be so ruthless, completely ignoring her fourteen-year husband’s love.
The most basic affection for a wife.

Unexpectedly, the good intentions of helping each other back then resulted in today’s betrayal and humiliation. Huang Wenlan couldn’t help feeling angry
Bitter, tears trickling down my cheeks.Ekalin smiled like a flower, and she proudly said to the rival in love who was stepping on her feet in this extremely unequal insulting gesture:
He said, “Now, as Zhongnian’s girlfriend, I would like to ask you, when will you divorce Zhongnian?”


As soon as Huang Wenlan heard these two words, she screamed hysterically, “Chen Zhongnian, you have no conscience!

“Stop calling!”

Chen Zhongnian interrupted Huang Wenlan’s yelling, “I know,”

He persuaded me gently, “You have always treated me very well. I will not treat you badly. In this way, we will divorce now.
The conditions are easy to say, the house and savings at home belong to you! ”


Yikalin interjected, “I will pay you the one hundred thousand yuan in one lump sum.”


Chen Zhongnian gently pulled Rajkalin, motioning for her to let Huang Wenlan get up.


Ekalin reluctantly raised her foot. Huang Wenlan’s head finally got out of the way of this coquettish female boss.
The slender girl wearing golden high-heeled shoes “liberated” with her feet.

Huang Wenlan’s knees were sore and numb, and she couldn’t get up even after several times of support, “Husband, help me
okay? ”

She begged in a low voice.

Chen Zhongnian felt guilty, and he bent down to help his wife who was kneeling on the ground.


Ekalin stopped Chen Zhongnian, “Don’t worry about it! Go out, let us women solve the women’s affairs by ourselves.
decision! ”

With that said, she pushed Chen Zhongnian out, and closed the door of the lounge.


Shaking with anger, Huang Wenlan got up from the ground, her excitement and anger made her forget just now
The shame of self-inflicted humiliation, the fierce action of gnashing her teeth caused a lot of white foam to flow from the corners of her mouth.

“I, I tell you…”

Huang Wenlan, who lost his mind, pointed at Ekalin, “And him…”

Huang Wenlan pointed to the door again, “You…”

She said loudly word by word: “I will never agree to a divorce!”


Ekalin sneered. This coquettish female boss has a frosty face, and her phoenix eyes are full of vicious evil spirit.

Huang Wenlan was frightened by Yikalin’s ferocious expression. She was afraid and wanted to retreat, but she was unwilling to show weakness.
Just when Huang Wenlan wanted to retreat but was unwilling to retreat…

Suddenly, Ekalin slapped her hard across the face. Caught off guard, Huang Wenlan was beaten to the point of gold stars in front of her eyes
Straight up. She had never been in a fight before, she was slapped and was stunned, her mind went blank, and Huang Wenlan cried out in panic.
Consciously raised his right hand to block his eyes…

Ekalin has been immersed in Fengyue Field for a long time, and fighting is a common occurrence. She also practices SHAPI every day.
NG, responsive and flexible. The coquettish female boss took advantage of the momentum and grabbed Huang Wenlan’s right wrist.
The hour hand twisted against the joint, forcing Huang Wenlan to kneel on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ekalin quickly took the leather dog leash around the neck of the toy dog ​​at the door, and put it on Huang Wen’s neck.
Lan’s neck. this coquettishThe female owner of the nightclub raised the dog leash, and raised her slender and beautiful woman in golden high-heeled shoes.
Yuzu stepped on the back of Huang Wenlan’s head fiercely. Tighten the lock. On Icarine’s feet the golden high
Stepping on the sharp eight-centimeter heel of the leather shoe, the thin Huang Wenlan curled up in pain and was strangled by the dog chain.
Almost suffocating.

“Let me go, please, let me go!”

Huang Wenlan was so frightened that she couldn’t help but give up her resistance and begged for mercy…

Ekalin ignored it at all, she was not a daughter born with a golden spoon, she always relied on herself
Beauty, wisdom and strength to get everything, the subconscious is full of desire to conquer. She advocates violence,
Believe in conquest, believe that both career competition and love competition are battlefields full of gunpowder;
Association! I don’t believe in ethics either. So she never needs sympathy from others, and she will never sympathize with others

This coquettish nightclub hostess led Huang Wenlan, who was forced to crawl on the ground by a dog chain around her neck,
He walked quickly to the bar, tied his skinny rival in a big way with a dog leash, and tied him tightly to a sofa pier.

Huang Wenlan instinctively hugged the lower end of the sofa pouf with both hands backwards, turned her head back to face the sky, and rested her head on the
on the sofa pouf.

“Let go of me! I’m good to go.”

she begged.

“Let’s go? Humph!”

Ekalin’s tone was weird and vindictive, “Didn’t you come here to hinder Miss Ben and Zhong
Years together? Why are you leaving now? ”

“He is my husband, why am I hindering you?”

Not to be outdone, Huang Wenlan argued in a low voice.

Ekalin was at a loss for words for a moment, and couldn’t help becoming angry from embarrassment. “Yellow-faced woman, tell you to talk back!”

This voluptuous and coquettish female owner of the nightclub turned around angrily, and twisted her waist gracefully…

Huang Wenlan suddenly felt a golden light shining in front of his eyes, and saw Ekalin in a daze.
Sitting down straight with her plump buttocks, the golden silky trousers worn by this coquettish female boss are well-tailored and her hips are plump
Plump and round, with a sexy deep concave groin, Huang Wenlan’s wrinkled picture is vaguely reflected on the golden silky fabric.
A heavily wrinkled face. This made Huang Wenlan, who was slow-witted, feel palpitations, opened his mouth wide, and screamed in shock
Get up: “Ah…”

It was too late, but soon, Ekalin’s round and sexy buttocks were heavily seated on Huang Wenlan’s face.

“…Woo ━━!”

Huang Wenlan’s hissed scream was immediately stuffed back into his mouth, turning into a muffled muffled cry.

Ekaline’s buttocks are plump and firm, exuding a strong scent of Chael perfume, sitting heavily on the
Huang Wenlan’s mouth was held back so that Huang Wenlan had difficulty breathing, and his face turned into a liver color.

Huang Wenlan was startled, angry and ashamed. She tried her best to shake her neck, trying to get her head out of Yikalin’s plump body.
Break free from under the hip.

Ekalin looked at her love rival Huang Wenlan, whose head was being pressed down by her plump buttocks, struggling hard but unable to break free
, incomparablyHave fun, this coquettish female boss took a pistol-style windproof lighter from the bar
, pulled the trigger viciously at Huang Wenlan who was under her plump buttocks, “Be honest, Huanglian!”

“Woo ━━!”

Huang Wenlan’s neck was immediately burnt with a soybean-sized scorching mark, causing her to scream in pain, but because she was
Ekalin’s plump buttocks sat with her mouth blocked. The scream was suffocating, and Huang Wenlan’s neck stopped immediately.
He stopped swinging and didn’t dare to struggle anymore.

At this moment, Chen Zhongnian hastily opened the door and entered. He has always been demeanor and elegant, and he doesn’t panic when things happen, but he is caught in front of him.
He was stunned by the sight, and stood there bewildered.

Ekalin turned a blind eye at all, she gracefully lit a golden More, light blue smoke
Circles flew out from the delicate red lips, “huh!”

The coquettish and vicious female owner of the nightclub sneered contemptuously, and ordered her buttocks to
Huang Wenlan, “Yellow-faced woman, lick Miss Ben’s ass!”

Huang Wenlan was so frightened that she didn’t dare to resist. She obediently stuck out her tongue and carefully licked it.
Caught Ekalin’s sexy deep groin, rolled it, and then licked Ekalin’s pussy hard
Round and firm croup.

Just when Huang Wenlan’s tongue just licked Yikalin’s sexy buttocks, despite the smooth golden
The trousers are made of mercerized material, but Huang Wenlan can still clearly feel the soft and firm hip muscles of Ekalin comfortably retracting
Shrink. Immediately afterwards, Huang Wenlan heard the arrogant and coquettish voice of this ruthless and coquettish female boss.
Laugh out loud.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Ekalin laughed wildly, twisting her plump and round buttocks happily.

Chen Zhongnian was stunned by the sidelines, and he tremblingly asked, “Did she… Huang Wenlan… lick?”

“of course!”

Ekalin twisted her plump buttocks playfully, “Could it be that the yellow-faced woman has other choices?”

At this moment, Huang Wenlan’s words “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

Shocked and muffled, she didn’t expect Chen Zhongnian to come in again.

“Hmph! Yellow-faced woman, what are you yelling about?”

Ekalin scolded disdainfully: “Do you think Zhongnian will not see that you, a yellow-faced woman, is licking Miss Ben?”
ass? ”

Huang Wenlan couldn’t help but suffocate, and immediately blushed with shame. She was ashamed of herself, and she dared not and could not say anything.
What a. He had no choice but to lick Ekalin’s plump buttocks with all his might.

Chen Zhongnian’s face turned red and then pale, and he didn’t know what to do. Just now he was pushed out the door by Icarine, boring
I went to the nightclub and looked around, the more I thought about it, the more wrong I became, so I turned around and walked back. When approaching the door, I heard
Hearing Huang Wenlan’s muffled screams, Chen Zhongnian guessed what happened without thinking too much, and quickly opened the door.

Just as he expected, the conflict had already happened, but he never expected that the scene before him was so horrific.
Unbelievable, so thrilling, so beyond his imaginationoutside.

Ekalin, who has a lot of experience in the court of love and moon, of course knows how to show her charm.
The female boss of the general meeting is looking at each other, her eyes are like silk, and she expresses her deep love affectionately. She is slender and straight,
Sitting proudly, her plump buttocks twisted coquettishly on Huang Wenlan’s face. In the tall and fit Ica
Lin’s plump, round and sexy buttocks were pressed down, and Huang Wenlan’s head sank deeply into the sofa pier, making it almost impossible to see.
See, her short and thin body together with the sofa pouf constitute a strangely shaped “stool”.
Although it is cruel, it is also full of temptation, which is enough to make Chen Zhongnian, who has always followed the rules, feel fresh and exciting. in him
In the past years of life, needless to say, I have never seen such a formation, and I have never even imagined it. his mind control
Unstoppable “bang bang” jumping.

“Say it, say you love me!”

The singing in the distant dance hall faintly drifted into the room. The beautiful tune and provocative lyrics attracted Chen Zhongnian’s heart
With a swing, he couldn’t help but took a few steps towards Ekalin. Ekalin pulled Chen Zhongnian and made him bend over and half kneel,
She gently hugged him into her arms, and offered her rosy lips. In an instant, Chael’s strong and gorgeous fragrance
Fascinated by Chen Zhongnian, he immediately completely forgot about this coquettish nightclub proprietress’s naked body wrapped in gold.
The plump buttocks in tight trousers sat high on the face of his poor wife Huang Wenlan.

Huang Wenlan’s rational world completely collapsed. Seeing her husband kissing and loving with a coquettish mistress, as Chen Zhongnian
Huang Wenlan, the legal wife, was not only helpless but also powerless to stop her, and was forced to lick the cunt of the alluring female boss.
Plump buttocks add to the fun. This humiliation made Huang Wenlan dejected and dejected. Poor Huang Wenlan is like a dementia
Similarly, she rolled her tongue mechanically and kept licking Ekalin’s plump buttocks that were warm and bouncing.

This is Ekaline’s first real love. Although she had some men in the past, they were all just dating.
easy. Now, the emotions that this coquettish female boss has accumulated for a long time burst out like a torrential flood, and her lips
It was her heart, warmly comforting the man she loved. So passionate, so loving, so passionate, so free
It’s something she didn’t even think of.

Ekalin’s face is flushed, her eyes are full of spring, her sexual desire surges with her deep love, and her buttocks are yellow again.
Wen Lan’s ass licking worked hard to add to the fun, and the next level rose steadily. “Ah! Oh! Oh! Mmm!”

The tall and flirtatious female boss screamed lewdly in excitement, and she called out eagerly and coquettishly, “I
I love you” ecstatically twisting her plump and round buttocks, rubbing Huang Wenlan’s nose under her buttocks recklessly
Wiping the sensitive parts, unabashedly enjoying kissing Chen Zhongnian while sitting on Huang Wenlan’s face, forcing
Forcing a love rival to lick his buttocks to add to the fun can only be felt as a wonderful pleasure that cannot be expressed in words. The pleasure even exceeds that of doing
The pleasure of love actually made Ekalin, who had a lot of sexual experience, reach climax several times.


I don’t know how long it took, but the lingering kiss between Yikalin and Chen Zhongnian finally came to an end.

“Ho!”Ekalin let out a long breath. The sweet kiss and continuous orgasm just now made her feel comfortable, “It’s so comfortable.
! ”

This sexy and beautiful female owner of the nightclub snuggled up to Chen Zhongnian coquettishly.

“You were so excited just now.”

Chen Zhongnian smiled. He stared at Ekalin, indeed, the female owner of the nightclub is outstanding, both things
Fang Jiali is charming and soft, but also has the charm of a western beauty, and she exudes a sense of sex appeal. today she
Whether it is the face or the clothes, they have been carefully dressed, the unrestrained eyes, the graceful posture, and the grace is as graceful as
Buddha blooming roses. These days, Chen Zhongnian has also suffered from lovesickness. In fact, he does not love her in his heart.
What about Icarine? But he had to avoid it, the situation was too complicated, one side was a middle-aged man with a wife and a public job, the other
On the other hand, there is a young and beautiful nightclub owner, what good will happen. Today, he thought for a long time
, finally couldn’t resist the yearning for Ekalin, so she made up her mind to go to the appointment. Chen Zhongnian has experienced a lot in the world,
Love has not experienced much. He didn’t know that love can never be rubbed, but his rubbing aroused Yi’s love.
Karin is so fresh and so curious, so much guessing and imagining, this man is so deep, so self-controlled
He is so different, how can she not love him.

Ekalin was satisfied, “Hey! There have been several orgasms! It seems that using a yellow-faced woman to lick her ass is more fun.
Aphrodisiacs work! ”

Only then did Chen Zhongnian think of his wife again, and he couldn’t help asking curiously: “She… Huang Wenlan…
Licking all the time? ”


Ekalin smiled sweetly, “I feel that the yellow-faced woman is still licking pretty hard. Hahahaha!”


Chen Zhongnian couldn’t bear it in his heart, “You are too ruthless, using this method to torture her. It’s really…”

“Yo! Do you feel distressed?”

Yikalin said coquettishly: “From the beginning, I proposed a divorce compensation of 100,000 yuan. It doesn’t matter if this yellow-faced woman refuses.”
Yes, and the speech is hard to hear. If you don’t punish her, she won’t know how to behave in the future! Besides, there is no Huanglianpo who sells like this
How could we have such a sweet kiss just now? ”

“But this… this is too much!”

Looking at the fit and alluring female boss’s thin wife helplessly being humiliated under the plump buttocks, Chen
Zhongnian muttered in a low voice with unease in his conscience.

“How is it too much!”

Ekalin said disdainfully: “Hmph! Miss Ben just wants to make your yellow-faced woman sober and clear-headed.
An old and ugly yellow-faced woman like her is only worthy of licking her ass under this lady’s crotch, and she is not qualified to follow her at all.
This lady talks about terms! ”


Chen Zhongnian waited to say more, but Yikalin sealed her mouth with her fragrant lips, “Hey,”

The coquettish female owner of the nightclub exhaled like blue, “You are not allowed to feel sorry for the yellow-faced woman anymore, just call this Huang-faced woman.”
Let’s lick Miss Ben’s ass peacefully! ”

“All right!”

Chen Zhongnian couldn’t resist the current beauty, and the location was by accidentnodded.

Ekalin smiled like a flower, and sent another sweet kiss intimately.

Under Yikalin’s guidance, Chen Zhongnian took out a pre-prepared folding small round table from the bar and placed it on
Dessert dishes were poured with red wine, and the two chatted while eating, having a good time. This coquettish female boss was a blessing in disguise,
Instead of forming a good relationship, she looks more radiant and gorgeous.

“Zhongnian, let’s get married!”

Ekaline said charmingly: “Let’s go abroad for honeymoon together!”


Chen Zhongnian nodded frequently in agreement, “But…”

He pointed to Ekalin’s plump buttocks, “Look… this… Will Huang Wenlan agree to a divorce?”


Ekalin found it funny, “The yellow-faced woman is already licking Miss Ben’s ass, how dare you disagree with the divorce?”

“Um… this,”

Chen Zhongnian lowered his voice, “A Lin, if you sit on Huang Wenlan’s face like this, in case she sues you…”


Ekalin sneered disdainfully, “Based on this lady’s status and social connections, the yellow-faced woman can sue her.”
win? In the end, it’s nothing more than a fine, nothing more. Besides, a face was used by Miss Ben as a
It’s not a good thing to brag about. Will it be good for the yellow-faced woman herself if she spreads it around?
? ”

Chen Zhongnian secretly praised in his heart, Ekalin is really beautiful and smart. The few words just now were obviously aimed at him.
Zhongnian said it, but in fact, this coquettish female boss said it to Huang Wenlan, her love rival under her buttocks. by
From Chen Zhongnian’s understanding of his wife, he was certain that Huang Wenlan would never have the idea of ​​suing her again.

“Hey, Arlene,”

Chen Zhongnian looked down at Ekalin’s buttocks, and said eagerly, “You sit on her…
Wen Lan’s face…is indeed quite suitable…”

“That is!”

Ekalin was proud, “You know, the trousers this lady is wearing belong to Cher, and so do the underpants.”
CK’s, the beauty’s sexy buttocks wearing brand-name pants, I’m afraid it’s a yellow-faced woman I haven’t even seen before, now
Now being able to lick with her tongue, this is the blessing of the yellow-faced woman! ”

This coquettish female boss has wonderful eyes, she is coquettish, coquettish, coquettish, and Chen Zhongnian can’t help but be fascinated
Fall, all drunk.

“Don’t worry, honey,”

Ekalin said half-jokingly and half-seriously: “If the yellow-faced woman really refuses to divorce, then Miss Ben
Just use this pair of Givenchy high-heeled leather shoes on your feet and trample this yellow cockroach like a cockroach.
Face! ”

“This is not easy!”

Chen Zhongnian teased, “Huang Wenlan is much bigger than ordinary cockroaches!”

Ekalin was so teased that she smiled coquettishly, “The lady will step on it a few more times until the big yellow-faced woman is crushed to death.”
Cockroaches so far. Then throw her into the toilet, let the water flush, OK, done! ”

Huang Wenlan listened drowsily to the conversation between Chen Zhongnian and Yikalin, who was caught by Yikalin’s plump butt
Sitting at the bottomThe poor woman with a stern face can only keep rolling her tongue, licking Ekalin’s round knot vigorously.
Real buttocks too.

Although the golden high-waisted tight trousers worn by Icarine are made of high-tech satin fabric, they are soft
And smooth, but long time licking buttocks still made Huang Wenlan’s tongue sore and numb, so dry that he couldn’t secrete any more.
Salivated, and made a “squeaky” sound when licking Ekalin’s plump buttocks.

While flirting, Chen Zhongnian and Yikalin drafted the “Divorce Agreement” to appease Chen Zhongnian
Ekalin agreed to give Huang Wenlan all of Chen Zhongnian’s existing property, plus
One hundred thousand yuan in cash as divorce compensation.


After drafting the Divorce Agreement, Yikalin stood up.

Huang Wenlan immediately collapsed and fell to her knees on the ground. In just forty-five minutes, she seemed to have aged decades,
His complexion was sallow and dry.

There are clusters of white hairs, the wrinkles on the forehead, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and the splayed lines on both sides of the nose have all changed.
Very deep, making her whole face look like an old feline. If she hadn’t found the nose in time
The child’s “trick” to maintain breathing may have already suffocated to death.

Ekalin looked at her “masterpiece” and smiled triumphantly. Chen Zhongnian hid aside in embarrassment. “divorce
“Agreement” was thrown in front of Huang Wenlan’s eyes.

Huang Wenlan stared blankly at her home in “Divorce Agreement”.
It was about to fall apart, and she trembled involuntarily. This is her only sustenance, I can’t imagine without this home,
How else could she live.

Ekalin hooked Huang Wenlan’s chin with the golden high-heeled leather shoes on her feet, causing Huang Wenlan’s face to look up.
Looking at it with disdain, “You yellow-faced woman is so ugly, no wonder your husband doesn’t want you.”

Huang Wenlan begged in a low voice: “Miss Yi, please, please let my husband go! You are young and beautiful
Liang, there is no need to worry about finding a good man! ”

“Still talking nonsense!”

Ekalin pressed Huang Wenlan’s neck fiercely, and pressed Huang Wenlan’s face against the golden high heels she was wearing on her feet.
On the heels, “I still can’t pick it up, Huanglian, lick Miss Ben’s high heels!”

Huang Wenlan stuck out her tongue like a pug, and licked Ekalin’s beautiful jade feet flatteringly.
Golden high-heeled leather shoes.

Not long after, the pair of elegant golden high-heeled leather shoes on Yikalin’s feet were licked clean by Huang Wenlan
It was bright, and even the soles of the shoes were licked clean. The gold-plated stainless steel tapered heel is even more licking
Flickering flashes, almost can be used as a lesson.

Ekaline’s heart was filled with the joy and pride of a winner. How many times in my dreams she was radiant
The bride, he is the handsome groom, while “it” kneels and crawls on the ground, obediently “wiping” with the tongue in its mouth.
Wipe the precious pair of high-heeled leather shoes on the beautiful bride’s jade feet. Today, this dream has become a reality.

“Hmm! It was pretty clean.”

Ekalin smiled proudly. The flirtatious nightclub proprietress raised her foot again and stepped onHuang Wenlan
Huang Wenlan’s forehead hit the ground with a “boom” on the back of his head.

Huang Wenlan knelt on the ground, not daring to move or say a word, for fear of causing more pain.

Chen Zhongnian looked at the high-spirited Ekalin, and then at the tall and fit female owner of the nightclub.
The shivering and emaciated wife stepped on her feet, and a feeling of compassion could not help but well up in her heart, “Hey,”

He dissuaded in a low voice: “Don’t be too ruthless!”

“No! I’ve said it all,”

Ekalin said coquettishly, “Don’t you feel sorry for the yellow-faced woman! Besides, it’s the yellow-faced woman who is willing to lick
Miss Ben’s high heels, she is cheap! ”


Chen Zhongnian walked away helplessly.

Yikalin turned her head and looked at Huang Wenlan who was stepping on her feet, “Huanglian Po, are you willing to divorce?
Well, I will give you all your property, and this lady will give you 105,000 yuan in cash, even if…” The charming
The female owner of the nightclub smiled mischievously, “It’s the yellow-faced woman’s reward for licking your ass and shoes.”

Huang Wenlan hesitated for a long time, but finally, she begged again in a low voice: “Please, Miss Yi,
Spare my husband! ”


Ekalin laughed back angrily, “Alright then! Miss Ben will trample you to death today, you big cockroach!”

As she said that, the vivacious and flamboyant female owner of the nightclub raised her right leg high, and the golden high-heeled leather shoes on her feet were eight feet tall.
There was a dazzling ray of light on the gold-plated stainless steel heel, which was 10 centimeters pointed, and it stepped heavily on the back of Huang Wenlan’s head.
. This foot made Huang Wenlan’s heart and lungs hurt, and she couldn’t help screaming, “Ah ━━!”

At the same time, he subconsciously rolled over and turned over.

Ekalin raised her beautiful legs coldly, and her slender feet, which were wearing golden high-heeled leather shoes, neatly stretched several times in a row.
The foot stepped on Huang Wenlan’s face so hard that the back of Huang Wenlan’s head hit the ground, and she almost passed out from the pain, even screaming.
I couldn’t come out, so I had to open my mouth wide and pant heavily. And at this time, it happened that Yikalin stepped down again, and the golden high-heeled
The slender heel under the leather shoe stepped into Huang Wenlan’s mouth, and the tapered gold-plated stainless steel heel pierced Huang Wenlan’s mouth.
deep in his throat, Huang Wenlan was so uncomfortable, his eyes turned white, he retched and convulsed non-stop
, almost going into shock…

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Ekalin laughed coquettishly, and she scolded viciously: “Yellow-faced woman, licking her ass for so long is still brainless!”
Unconscious, still unwilling to divorce. Thought Zhong Nian would want you? All right! If you don’t want to leave, you won’t leave, it’s no big deal
Understand. Miss Ben will be the mistress of Zhongnian, we will still be very happy when we date and make love. But yellow face
It will be miserable for you, hum! Miss Ben will torture you, a yellow-faced woman, until you die! at most
It’s half a year, when the time comes, it won’t be too late for Miss Ben to marry Zhongnian again! ”

The more she spoke, the more angry Ekalin raised her leg, pulled out the heel of the golden high-heeled leather shoe from Huang Wenlan’s mouth, and then
He stepped heavily on Huang Wenlan’s face, and the hard and slender tapered stainless steel heel broke through.Huang Wenlan
On the forehead, bright red blood was flowing under the high-heeled shoes.

Chen Zhongnian watched in horror, he had never seen such a cruel scene before, “Forget it, forget it,
Arlene, ah! ”

He reached out and tried to pull Icarin.

“go away!”

Yikalin scolded, “Who told this yellow-faced woman to drink a toast if she didn’t eat it? That’s right!”

The coquettish female boss suddenly remembered, “Huanglian Po, didn’t you just say that you want to try Miss Ben’s?”
What does “fine wine” feel like? Um? ”

Yikalin took the mixing funnel, stuffed it roughly into Huang Wenlan’s mouth, and sealed it with tape.
This made Huang Wenlan unable to spit out the funnel.

Huang Wenlan looked at Chen Zhongnian sadly. Her helpless appearance made Chen Zhongnian very sad, “A Lin, don’t
tortured her! ”

Ekalin ignored it at all. She untied the decorative belt around her waist, took off her golden satin trousers, and revealed
The smooth and white plump buttocks… Soon, a hot liquid burst out from Ekalin’s crotch, filling her
into Huang Wenlan’s mouth with a funnel in his mouth. “Hello,”

Yikalin teased with a coquettish smile: “Yellow-faced woman, does this ‘fortified wine’ taste good?”

Huang Wenlan didn’t dare to resist and was forced to swallow. After swallowing Ekalin’s “fine wine”, Huang Wenlan has already
Completely overwhelmed by feelings of depression and inferiority, without humiliation, without personality, and without dignity
, she has been completely psychopathic and turned into a tame slave girl.

This thrilling scene made Chen Zhongnian extremely excited, and he was so impulsive that he could hardly bear it…


In the middle of the night, there was only one dimly lit desk lamp in Ekalin’s lounge.

Ekaline wore ArdenB’s ruffled neck open-fronted transparent nightgown with Laudry’s real
Silk bikini, a pair of Paco Gil open-toed high-heeled slippers decorated with pearls on slender and feminine bare feet
The shoes, with lotus leaf ruffles, are all intoxicating red wine color, this romantic and charming temperament is more obvious than the previous dress

On the bed, a corner of the snow-white quilt was lifted, and there was a fragrant red rose beside the pillow.

Ekalin put her hands on Chen Zhongnian’s shoulders and said provocatively, “Let me show it!”

She covered his eyes with a gauze and led him to the bathroom to wait. After a while, she let him pick the
Remove the blindfolded scarf. What caught Chen Zhongnian’s eyes was such a picture: warm Shiba rippling in the bathtub,
There are rose petals floating on the water, naked Ekaline lying leisurely in the bathtub, hands painted with bright red nail polish
Fingers and toes fiddled with the petals casually, flirtatiously thrilling.

What’s the use of Chen Zhongnian being married? He had mixed feelings in his heart, full of emotions. bitter but happy
:now it’s right. He finally found what he missed and lost.

Soon, Chen Zhongnian also stripped naked. Ekalin cheered secretly: What a healthy man!
A man, though not very strong, but harmonious in form. Deltoids, pectoralis major, and the three-pack rectus abdominis of the abdomenclearly visible.

He stepped into the bathtub, closed his eyes in ecstasy, and stroked Ekalin’s delicate body with his hands, as if
The same hand caresses a handicraft. The delicate skin conveys her gentle feeling. Crisp breasts, slender waist, plump and round
buttocks. His hands slowly descended, drawing an arc, and the long legs that were as clean as jade naturally separated, which was solidified
Creamy only like milk. He didn’t dare to speak, for fear that Meng would go away, and he didn’t dare to let go, for fear that Meng would go away. he gently
Caress, the soul wanders with the movement of the fingertips. He put all his sensitivity in his hands to feel her
The softness of those slender legs.

After a long while, Chen Zhongnian opened his eyes. The sexy girl in front of him was half charming and half angry, and her body was like cream.
So gorgeous and pure. Ekalin twisted her plump and round buttocks coquettishly, twisting out different graceful arcs, making a
Wonderful freeze frame, her posture is noble, light and graceful, as if a dancer is performing.

Chen Zhongnian seemed to have seen the classic moment of the swan grooming its feathers in the fairy tale world, and the icy muscles were dewed in his eyes.
There was a distant chant in front of him, and the scent of lavender was faintly inhaled in his nasal cavity. This flawless jade body shocks
After seeing him, it is like the gorgeous movement played by a symphony for the first time by a musician, and the whole soul is carefully crafted by this
beauty seized. He held his breath, fearing that his rudeness would disturb this peaceful beauty, and slid his lips across her
The smooth cheeks gently fell on her soft lips.

Next, both of them seemed to have ascended into the clouds. The source of pleasure is endless, and the dance of sex is tight
Cover up all the feelings.

This is a harmonious pas de deux, and also the most beautiful harmony in nature.

Ekalin, who took her love with a knife, finally got her wish and spent the cloud and rain with her sweetheart. This coquettish female boss is enthusiastic
Like a fire, straddling Chen Zhongnian, twisting his waist and swinging his hips. She brought her teasing skills to the extreme, teasing him so close
Almost crazy. Chen Zhongnian excitedly caressed Ekalin’s soft and bouncy body, kissing every inch of Ekalin’s body
Smooth and supple skin. The depression of more than ten years gushed out. The sun rises and the sun sets, the moon is bright and the moon is dark, Chen Zhongnian has no idea
I feel that he has one ups and downs and another ups and downs. Just let the waves behind push the waves ahead. Let Ekalin pant and moan, dripping with sweat, as if
The Buddha fell into the clouds, sweet and mellow, floating like a fairy, with endless aftertaste, and gained unprecedented joy and satisfaction

During the march, even Chen Zhongnian felt strange, how could he be so strong and mighty in his middle age?
I believe it is a kind of correspondence, because her charming and charming mood, which is as beautiful as a flower, ecstatically spread the most primitive vitality
Coming out, he was also teased by it, and his physical fitness reached its peak.

Huang Wenlan was tied up and stuffed under the bed, and Ekalin escorted her to go through divorce procedures with Chen Zhongnian after dawn



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