a urinal story

Author: prretyfoot
Word count: 28906
On April 23, 1949, Nanjing was liberated. Not long after the Battle of Crossing the River was launched, the Kuomintang army had already heard that
Fleeing in the wind, all the dignitaries of the Kuomintang also fled and hid. A considerable part of the Kuomintang Nanjing government and
The families of high-ranking military officials did not have time to flee to Taiwan.

Because Chiang Kai-shek wanted to set up the Guangzhou government. The highest authority of the Kuomintang set up an extended train departing from Nanjing
, Send them to flee to Guangzhou. This train is divided into soft sleepers, hard seats, and freight cars, with a total of 25 sections, which are extremely long, and it took two
A locomotive pulls. Of course, the female relatives of these officials and dignitaries are sitting in the soft berths and soft seats at the front.
The attendants could only squeeze into the hard seats and open-air trucks at the back. But on the second day of this train,
He was intercepted and captured by our army at Yingtan Station on the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Line.

According to the statistics at that time: before the liberation of Nanjing, the families of high-ranking officials in the government army used servants, servants, and orderly soldiers.
At its peak, there were more than 50,000 people. Except for a few who followed to Taiwan, or made a living by themselves. After liberation, there were more than 20,000
The orderlies, servants and servants of the family of a high-ranking Kuomintang official were unemployed, displaced, homeless, and no one cared about them.
, became the largest group of refugees. In the end, the military control committee took them into custody. It can be seen that the bureaucrats of the Kuomintang
How parasitic, lazy, extravagant and corrupt are the officials and women of the family.

Among these people, all are relatives of senior military and political officials of the Kuomintang Nanjing government: wives, aunts,
Concubine’s mother (little mother-in-law), young wives. There are more than ten times more entourages than these ladies: it is her
The maids, mothers, and nutritional nurses (the nurses who specialize in feeding official wives and young wives)
sons), cooks, bearers, orderlies, guards, attendants and adjutants, etc.
them. The officials’ wives and young mistresses took them to serve them along the way and to continue living in groups of slaves at the Guangzhou mansion.
Happy days.

In addition, they also carried a large amount of gold and silver jewelry, soft and gold bars. And their pet Haba
Dogs and monkeys, as well as collapsible camp beds, reclining chairs, and toilet racks. Our army confiscated weapons, and the
The personal items of some high-ranking officials and women’s family members, including gold and silver jewelry and furniture, were left to them.

We later released the maids and maids who were bought into slavery, and dismissed the aunts, old ladies,
Nurses (referring to those who feed wives and young mistresses, except those who feed children), cooks, bearers and other servants are not allowed to serve
Waiting for those spoiled ladies. The female relatives of high-ranking officials let her go home or go to relatives and friends.
Officials and life staff are handed over to the local government for review and disposal. But we can only deal with this group of more than 200 high-ranking military wives
, It took our military task force more than two months.

These officials’ wives, young mothers-in-law (all younger than the chief), and young wives living in the mansion in the Nanjing villa
The grandmas turned out to be the darlings and jewels of the Kuomintang’s military and political officials. alsoIt is the common people in the old society
Those who admire and worship; those who usually go out in cars and sedan chairs, those who hug each other, and the royal relatives who have a prominent status
Relatives, rich wives and young wives of high-ranking noble families. They are masters of the Kuomintang era.

They spend their days drinking, drinking, and spending money, and they live in luxury and luxury in the mansion where the guards stand guard.
. Living a life of pure parasites, opening their mouths and stretching out their hands when they eat, scolding their slaves and calling their maidservants. Suddenly captured by the People’s Liberation Army today,
They are unprepared, and it is difficult for them to adapt immediately without the all-weather and all-round service of slaves and maidservants.
; So many jokes were made.

Some officials’ wives and young wives still ask their nutrition nurses to feed them when they are hungry. Some official wives will not
She combs her own hair, and still needs her old lady who combs her hair to do her makeup every morning. Some officials’ wives still want her daughter at night
Wash her feet and dye her toenails. Some officials’ wives still ask their orderlies to kneel and pinch their feet or crawl under the bed when they sleep.
Head licking feet hypnosis. There are more officials’ wives and young wives who still order her orderlies to kneel and carry the urinal when they defecate
, wipe their buttocks, and even kneel down and lick their buttocks for them. They have been used to these slaves with toilets for a long time
As a child, I got used to it until I became a prisoner, and I didn’t feel excessive or embarrassed at all.

One of the young concubine of the general is a graduate of Jinling University, educated, in order to improve the performance of the work team
Walking, self-sufficient and no need to be waited on by others; the first one to take the initiative to go to the dry toilet in the yard when defecating, and did not take her

As a result, I used a pack of cotton wool and two towels and didn’t wipe my butt clean. I also stained my underpants and stuck my hand to it.
Shit. In the end, I called two personal orderlies who waited on her toilet to help her clean up.

In order to avoid such jokes, the work team can only temporarily allow these officials’ wives to stay in their guest rooms
defecate. So every morning, the close-fitting toilet orderly ordered by the official wife comes out of the guest room with all kinds of high-end toilets.
Flat gynecological urinals: enamel, copper, silver, gold-plated, and even cloisonné. Covered outside
There are very valuable, ass warmer mink or velvet covers.

At that time, there were only four squat pits in the women’s latrine of the “Jiangnan Hotel” in Yingtan City. But every morning, the women’s toilet
There was not a single female guest, but the male orderlies from each family respectfully lined up a long line with the urinals in their hands.
The team is waiting to pour excrement and urine and wash the urinals for the chief’s wife and young mistresses.

When the work team found out that these bullied and enslaved orderlies were doing these despicable and disgusting things to the officials’ wives,
At the same time, I don’t feel ashamed, shy or embarrassed. On the contrary, they were checking and communicating with each other with a smile on their faces, and some orderlies even
They bowed their heads and smelled each other. Proudly tell other orderlies what the color and smell of his wife’s and young grandmother’s shit today
Sample? How much is Xi? What’s the shape? It seems that the orderlies don’t dislike the stench of feces and urine from the official’s wife at all. them
They all carefully brushed and brushed to make the hostess’s urinal white and bright. After wiping the urinal, some orderlies still use
Smell it vigorously until there is no smell before wiping it off.

A male staff member saw

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