female detective

Author: prretyfoot
Word count: 13910
this is a true story. A young and beautiful female criminal policeman knocked down the glass table of four men.
photo. Someone laughed and asked if it was your boyfriend? She said no. These four men were sent to the guillotine by her own hands
. None of these people is not a heinous villain. The reason she put them under the countertop was for the sake of time.
Always remind yourself that the bounden duty of the criminal police is to bring all the bad guys to justice.

The story begins in 1994. Li Xin had just graduated from the police academy that year. was assigned to the South
Charge the city criminal police brigade. Because of her outstanding appearance, the superior also sent her to the pre-examination department to take care of her. because
For this reason, she also came into contact with all kinds of criminals. Among these people, the ones she hates the most are those who rape women
man’s criminal. Those men impose all kinds of sins on women for their own whim.

“He*, this is already the fourth incident this year.” Lao Song angrily threw a stack of documents on the table.

It turns out that this year there were four consecutive cases of vicious rape and murder against women. murderer on victim
After the violence, he was brutally killed. What’s even worse is that he brutally cut off the victim’s breasts after committing the crime
. Judging from the clues currently available, the perpetrator’s gender should be male. Wearing size 42 sneakers. height
Between 1.7m and 1.75m. Blood type is A. Because the four cases occurred in Dong, Nanchong City,
West and North regions. Since the crime scene is not fixed, it also increases the difficulty of solving the case. But since criminals usually
They all targeted female workers who were off work from 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning. So many female workers are afraid to go off work alone
up. It has had a very bad impact on Nanchong City. Even the Provincial Public Security Bureau issued a death order within one month to solve the case

“Lao Song, let me try.” Seeing Lao Song’s anxious state, Li Xin already had an idea.

“You, no way. This is too dangerous.”

“It’s okay. I’ll be careful myself.” Li Xin said.

“Okay, I’ll let a few guys follow you.” Old Song may really have no choice.

In the evening, Li Xin put on casual clothes, rode out from a remote chemical factory, and rode towards a small road.
go. But there was no one in sight for several days. Li Xin did not give up and changed a few places, but still nothing. even
The few policemen who followed her were a little discouraged.

On this day, Li Xin changed another place. This is a factory area far from the city. she is still as usual
riding a car. Suddenly, a black figure emerged from a side fork in the road. She saw it was a bicycle, in
followed her. Li Xin slowed down on purpose. Wait for the man behind to catch up. Just when Li Xin slowed down
speed at the same time. The man behind suddenly hit him with a bicycle. Almost knocked Li Xin to the ground.

“Ah, what are you going to do?” Li Xin stood up straight all of a sudden.body.

“What are you doing? Little girl, haven’t you heard about the “Pervert”? If you follow me, I will
Consider not killing you. “The man spoke in a hurried voice.

“Are you the ‘perverted maniac’ that the newspaper said?” Li Xin thought to herself that her luck was too good.
Bar. It can be seen that the man in front of him is also about the same height as himself. At most it won’t exceed 1.7 meters, could it be him?

“It’s that person to me, you’re afraid.” The man rushed forward as he said that.

But before the man got close, Li Xin stretched out his legs and let this guy fall heavily.
. Before he got up, Li Xin’s foot had already stepped on him.

“Ah.” The man cried out in pain.

Li Xin simply grabbed one of the man’s arms and pressed his body onto him.

“Are you that ‘perverted maniac’?” Li Xin said as he pulled his arm up vigorously.

“No, I’m not.” Only then did the man say that he was not.

But how could Li Xin let him go so easily. She almost turned the man’s arm 90 degrees. pain
It made him scream like a pig. The man said that he just read the report in the newspaper and thought there was a chance
, so imitated his appearance and tried to find a woman to vent in the middle of the night, but failed to get Li Xin caught. listened
Li Xin became even more angry when talking about men. For several days in a row, I tried to catch that “perverted maniac” with makeup and control, but I didn’t
Thought of catching a fake one. There is nowhere to vent this anger, so this man must be unlucky.

“Okay, I’ll tell you not to tell the truth.” Li Xin said, putting his foot on the man’s shoulder and exerting force. take this
The man’s shoulder was literally pulled out of its joint. This time the man screamed even worse.

“I’ll let you call.” Li Xin simply stuffed the tip of his leather shoe into the man’s mouth. The man is lucky
, eating a lot of dirt on Li Xin’s shoes. Maybe it was really painful, the man almost bit her dirty with his teeth
Dirty leather shoes. Li Xin still felt puzzled. She roughly thrust the entire leather shoe into the man’s mouth again. this
The man couldn’t scream anymore, but his mouth was torn open by Li Xin’s actions. Bloody water and Li Xin’s shoes
The sludge at the bottom swallowed again. But Li Xin not only didn’t spare him, but also stepped on it vigorously with his feet. hard
It was to step on the man’s chin. By the time those male policemen arrived, the men had already been tortured by Li Xin
He was in a bad state, and his face was covered with blood.

The deployment was still going on, and Li Xin was near several crime scenes. Maybe it was her luck, or
Maybe that guy couldn’t stand being lonely again. On a field path leading to the outskirts of the city, Li Xin almost discovered the
mark. A dark shadow always appeared on the way she passed, and it would follow a section every day.

That day, when Li Xin rode by that field path again, the black shadow appeared again. Li Xin deliberately pretended
My own car broke down, so I got out of the car and squatted down. The black shadow actually got out from behind. Li Xin feels so far away
See the murderous aura emanating from this man. it seems
[mepr-showrules=”93″ unauth=”message”]
The fish finally took the bait.

“You, what are you going to do?” Li Xin asked in a panic.

The man didn’t speak, but rushed towards her. Li Xin felt a little scared. it seems this
The guy is much tougher than the one he caught last time.

Li Xin chose a low-lying terrain. The man has arrived, his face covered. I saw him punch Li Xin
When they called, Li Xin dodged him sideways. The man’s second punch came again, and Li Xin avoided it with a sword step.
The man let out a “huh”. He seemed to feel something, turned around and wanted to run. Of course Li Xin can’t let him
run away. She flew and kicked the man in the chest. The man didn’t expect her to move so fast. Li Xin
He was kicked straight. The man fell down all at once. In order not to give the man a chance to breathe, Li Xin didn’t care about anything
up. She flew up and knelt down on the man like a mountain again. Now the man is almost crushed
. Li Xin punched this guy hard in the face again. The man was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Only then did Li Xin breathe a sigh of relief. She pulled down the man’s mask. An ugly face was revealed. in him
Li Xin also took out a sharp dagger on his body. It seems that the “perverted madman” must be him. Li Xinyi
Thinking of those female workers who were persecuted to death by him, she became angry again.

She stood up and kicked him hard twice. The man moved. Li Xin simply took out the handcuffs and took the man’s hands
Handcuffed behind his back. How can I vent my anger on those sisters? Li Xin suddenly thought of a wonderful
idea. It turns out that in rural areas in the south, farmers have the habit of placing open-air manure tanks beside the fields. not far from them
There is exactly one.

Li Xin did it when he thought of it. She dragged the man’s body to the dung tank at the edge of the field. and grabbing his feet,
He pressed his feet firmly against the man’s body. As soon as he exerted force, he just poured the man’s whole body into the dung tank
. It can be regarded as what he deserved, the man once ruthlessly killed four female workers whom he had never met, today Li Xin
It can be regarded as a sigh of relief for them. The man was suddenly awakened by the excrement in the manure tank. But now he is all
He was turned upside down, and his hands were handcuffed backwards, unable to struggle at all. I can only gulp down the dung soup. his legs are hard
pedaling. But all struggles are so futile. Feces were mercilessly poured into his mouth, nostrils, and ears. one
The thick lump of shit choked his breath.

He is the first man under the platform, and his name is Wu Li. Finally, he was taken to the execution ground and executed by shooting.

The second man is Tian Yucun, a drug dealer. If it was an ordinary drug dealer, maybe Li Xin would not catch him

The time has come to 1997. Because of her outstanding performance, Li Xin was transferred to the special action team. In a
In the first operation to arrest the lady sitting on the stage, they captured a lady sitting on the stage named Xiaohong. The circumstances she described caused
Li Xin’s attention. It turned out that Xiaohong was a drug addict. She said that in order to take drugs, she was once raped by a man named Tian Yucun.
drug dealershumiliated. Not only did he forcefully have sex with her, but he also let the drug-addicted Xiaohong lick his feet,
He also forced her to drink urine, and even let her eat his fresh stool once when Xiaohong’s drug addiction was on the rise. plum
Xin will never let go of these men who mutilate women. Even though Xiaohong is just a table girl.

It is not easy to find Tian Yucun. He is not in Nanchong City at all now. Because he is the key supervisor of the Public Security Bureau
Xiaohong said that the only way to find him is through a woman named Fei Jie, who is Tian Yucun’s mistress.
It is also a downline of Tian. It was from this woman that Xiaohong bought her first heroin.

Soon, I found Sister Fei through Xiaohong Li Xin. And said to buy goods. Sister Fei looked at her suspiciously
. If it weren’t for Xiaohong’s clapping to guarantee Li Hong’s origin. Sister Fei would never sell the goods to her no matter what. but
After returning home, Li Xin discovered that something was wrong. It turned out that the bag contained headache powder. It’s not the height that Xiaohong said
Pure heroin. Li Xin quickly brought two policemen to find Sister Fei and asked for a refund. Maybe it’s because Li Xin can’t stand it
threaten. Sister Fei had no choice but to let her come in half a month. This also shows that Tian Yucun is likely to return to Nanchong in half a month.

Sure enough, Tian Yucun was found at Nanchong Railway Station half a month later. He quickly took a taxi to Nanchong
Big shop. By monitoring his mobile phone. As soon as Tian Yucun arrived in Nanchong City, he called Sister Fei.

Nine p.m. Li Xin and Xiaohong came to room 1407 where Tian Yucun lived. Li Xin brings
She bought two sets of handcuffs and let Xiaohong buy two candles. They rang the doorbell. Police Tian Yucun came from inside
I felt a questioning voice.


“It’s me, Brother Cun.” Xiaohong replied.

Through the cat’s eyes, Tian Yucun saw Xiaohong and Li Xin.

“How do you know I’m here?”

“Oh, how would I know if Sister Fei hadn’t told me.” Xiaohong replied outside the door.

Tian Yucun finally opened the door to let them in. He can’t control himself when he sees beautiful women.
His eyes were fixed on Li Xin.

“Oh Brother Cun. I brought her here. Her name is Ah Xin. Last time, the goods Sister Fei sold to others were not authentic at all.
Now that she wants more, Sister Fei will let us come to you. ”

“Really, I have a lot of goods.”

Hearing this, Li Xin knew that it seemed that this trip was not in vain. Tian Yucun must have brought back a lot of drugs
. That’s the perfect way to catch him.

“Come on, sit by the bed and talk.” Tian motioned Li Xin to sit by the bed.

“Brother Cun, you’d better take out the things, you must know that the rumors are very tight now. We bought the goods
I still have to run away. Now Li Xin wants him to take out the things. As long as she sees something, she can take it

In order to get close to Li Xin, Tian Yucun completely relaxed his vigilance. He took out a large
Only oilcloth bag. Open the outer seal, and the white heroin is exposed.

Li Xin looked back at Xiaohong. That meant she was going to make a move.

“fieldSir, I have the same thing here. You must be interested. ” Li Xin said from the handbag
Ri pulled out a pistol. Hei Dongdong aimed his gun at Tian Yucun.

“You, who are you?” Tian Yucun was a little confused when he saw the pistol.

“Li Xin, Narcotics Team, Nanchong Criminal Police Brigade, are you satisfied now?”

A fierce light suddenly flashed in Tian Yucun’s eyes. He tried to rush over to grab Li Xin’s gun. But what about Li Xin?
Will make him wish.

She kicked Tian’s lower abdomen, causing Tian Yucun to bend down in pain. Li Xin didn’t wait too long, and faced
It was a punch to his temple, knocking him unconscious. When Tian Yucun woke up, he had already been stripped of his essence.
Light. His feet were also handcuffed to the chair and he rushed down with his hands on the ground.

“What are you going to do?” Tian Yucun was still thinking clearly. He knows usually being caught by the police is
He was brought to the criminal police brigade instead of staying in the hotel. And still naked and handcuffed upside down

“What are you doing? Don’t you know?” Xiaohong answered from the side.

It turns out that Li Xin did not hesitate to violate discipline today to ask Xiaohong to pay back to the drug criminal. make the previous small
Let this guy taste all the sufferings that Hong has suffered. That’s why she asked Xiaohong to bring two candles on purpose.

“How did you treat me in the past, today I want you to taste it all once.” Xiaohong said fiercely on the side.

“No, don’t. It’s against the law for you criminal police to abuse prisoners like this after arresting them.” At this time, Tian Yucun
He wanted Li Xin to take him away. He knew what he used to do to Xiaohong. Now if say piece by piece
It would be terrible to try it all on him.

“That’s between the two of you. I didn’t abuse you. So I didn’t violate discipline.” Li Xin

“Okay, time is running out. Let’s start.” Xiaohong said and sat down to Tian Yu who was lying on the ground
next to it. “Lick my feet first. I haven’t washed them for days.” Xiaohong took off her socks and stretched her feet out.
Under his nose, the stench was suffocating.

“Smelly girl, you don’t want to abuse me. I’m not the kind to be scared.” Tian Yucun’s tone was still very firm.

“Okay, I knew you wouldn’t agree. Then let’s play a game first.” Xiaohong said and lit the candle
Lit up aimed at his pussy. This is enough for him. The flames grilled his scrotum mercilessly, hurting him
I almost cried.

“Stop it. You stinky girl.” He really couldn’t stand this kind of torture.

“Then did you agree?”

“I promise.” He said weakly.

Tian Yucun finally took Xiaohong’s stinky feet into his mouth. It’s so dirty. I don’t know that Xiaohong hasn’t washed it for a few days.
The toes were full of dirt, and Tian Yucun tasted her toes in humiliation. Endless pain surrounded him. really
Retribution, I am about to die, and I have to suffer such humiliation.

“Sister Xin, do you want to try it?” Xiaohong said to Li Xin.

“Forget it. It’s better for you to come, I’ll just watch it. Li Xin looked at what happened in front of him with a smile on his face.
everything. For these human scum, it seems that they want to let them have a taste of this.

“Okay, it’s time to drink urine.” Xiaohong said to Tian Yucun.

“No, don’t want it.” Tian Yucun made a desperate voice.

“Then you still want to taste the taste of your scrotum being grilled?”

Tian Yucun didn’t say anything.

“Just wait, I’ll let you eat shit later.” Xiaohong said and put a stainless steel fruit bowl on the table
The fruit inside arrived and came out. She wants to use it to hold urine for Tian Yucun to drink.

A small pot of yellow urine was placed under his nose.

“Drink it all up.” Xiaohong said loudly to Tian Yucun at her feet.

At this time, Tian Yucun may also be forced to do nothing. I could only open my mouth and drink the stinky urine.
He might just want this to pass as quickly as possible. Xiaohong went to the bathroom with the basin again. But after waiting for a long time
come out. Li Xin went to see it. I saw that Xiaohong’s face was flushed red, and she was squatting on the ground trying to poop out.

“Why didn’t you come out for half a day?” Li Xin asked her.

“I can’t pull it out.” Xiao Hong said to Li Xin with her back.

“Forget it, let me do it.” It turned out that Li Xin became more and more emotional during Xiaohong’s abuse of Tian Yucun.
The thought of wanting to abuse Tian, ​​just can’t show it in front of a man.

“Okay, let him taste Sister Xin’s shit too.”

The stainless steel basin was placed under Tian Yucun’s nose again. The stench of poop radiates throughout the house…

“Let’s start eating now, you will be free after eating.”

“No, don’t, I beg you. The stool is too dirty, I really can’t eat it.”

“Are you going to eat or not?” Xiaohong grabbed his hair brutally, and pressed his head firmly into the basin.
inside. Now Tian Yucun not only ate Li Xin’s stool, but also had his face painted all over.

“Eat it all,” the sadism in the room reached its peak. Under Xiaohong’s repeated intimidation, Tian
Yucun ate all the poop with difficulty.

After this incident, Li Xin’s attitude towards criminals has changed a lot. She thinks only for him
They have to be a little harder to hit their arrogance.

This day Li Xin went to a county below to study. I heard from the County Public Security Bureau that they caught
Live a few prostitutes. Originally, Li Xin couldn’t control it. But when she heard one of their johns say
It’s abusive whores. Use cigarette butts to burn girls’ breasts, genitals, etc. Li Xin became angry when he heard it. she came to trial
The interrogation room saw the man. Seeing his arrogant appearance, Li Xin became even more angry. It turns out that this kid is from the county
No wonder the brother-in-law of the head of the tax bureau is so arrogant. She signaled the interrogation police to go out first, and she had to clean up
Take a look at this kid.

“Your name?”

Seeing such a beautiful policewoman as Li Xin, this kid immediately regained his spirits.

“You call me by our name, why haven’t I seen you before? “This kid not only didn’t answer Li Xin’s question, but also
Come and ask Li Xinname. You can be arrogant. Seeing him like this, Li Xin was so angry that he didn’t know what to say.

“It doesn’t matter if you’ve met me or not, I heard you like to burn girls’ bodies with cigarette butts, don’t you? “plum
Glad to see him playing like this, I had no choice but to get straight to the point.

“yes. I’m rich, and they’re so cheap. You can do whatever you want with the money. “Men are full
almost said.

“Okay, you like to play, don’t you? Then let’s have fun. I also like hot men, how about we
play? But I can explain that I will not give you money. ”

The man didn’t expect Li Xin to say such a thing. Because most of the cops he knew followed the rules. elephant
It was the first time he saw Li Xin like this.

“But you are a policeman.” The man was obviously a little scared.

“Are policemen human too? I really like people like you. How about it? Let me try too. Say no
Sure we can still be friends. ”

“Really. As long as I can be friends with you, I can let you abuse me.” It seems that this kid was really hurt by
A lot of Western toxins, Li Xin thought.

“Okay, then don’t complain about the pain.” Li Xin pretended to be very excited. “You put your coat on first
Take it off. ”

The man actually took off his shirt without hesitation, revealing his thin body. Li Xin lit a cigarette and smoked
Two bites. Then burn it on the man’s nipple.

“Ah.” The man screamed.

“Didn’t you be told to bark?” Li Xin said deliberately, and the man stopped barking.

Li Xin raised his hand and slapped him twice, knocking the man to the ground on his back. Black police boots stepped on again
His face was covered with mud from under police boots.

“How is it? Is it comfortable?” Li Xin asked the man at his feet.

“It hurts so much, please forgive me. We won’t play anymore.” The man said painfully.

“No, did you ever think about how those girls felt when you abused them?” Li Xin said, using police boots
He stomped hard on his face.

“You play with me.” The man just came to his senses at this moment. He realized that Li Xin didn’t like to abuse him at all.
It’s about venting your anger on those girls.

“Yeah, I’ll just play with you. How about it?”

“You stinky bastard, I, uh…” The man wanted to scold, but his mouth was stopped by Li Xin’s foot. this also
Not to mention Li Xin stomped on his lower abdomen twice again, and now he became honest. Began to beg bitterly.

“Begging for mercy, okay. But Miss Ben’s addiction to abuse is not enough. If you want to stop being beaten, call my police officer.”
Lick the mud off your boots, the roads here are really bad. ”

The man never expected that Li Xin would let him lick her dirty boots with his tongue. Maybe it was just a few times
It hurts too much, and I don’t know what to do with this beautiful policewoman. The man actually stuck out his tongue and licked it
Come. This made Li Xin not expect that she just said that. She thought that a man would definitely not agree, so she could
Just beat him a few more times to vent his anger. I never thought he really licked it. “What a bitch.” Shecursed in my heart

Maybe it’s because Li Xin’s boots are too dirty. The mouth of the man who just licked the upper is already black

“Swallow it all.” Li Xin said to the man at his feet.

Li Xin finally gave vent to those girls who had been bullied by him.

The third man is Lin Guoqing, he is a murderer without batting an eyelid. Li Xin also had a shootout with him
. The memory of that time made her feel a little scared when she thought about it now.

Lin Guoqing is not from Nanchong. He is a wanted murderer in Sichuan Province and fled to Nanchong City. pass
A friend of his in Nanchong settled here. Originally, if he followed the rules, he might have been lurking for a while.
time. But his nature determined that he was destined to be caught by the police. His friend opened a KTV in Nanchong
cabaret. There are also some ladies in it. Lin Guoqing is also really idle and boring. He sleeps during the day and sleeps at night.
Come out for activities.

These days, there is a special guest named Du Jun in his friend’s karaoke hall. Maybe it’s really rich.
He doesn’t like normal couples anymore. Baba ran here to ask the ladies to abuse him. And here
The young ladies are not good men and women. At first I couldn’t let go, but slowly I started kicking and hitting him

That night, Du Jun opened a private room as usual. let some beautiful ladies come over
Singing while abusing him. The girls entered the private room happily, because they knew that as long as they satisfied Du Jun, they could get
to money. They can’t wait to do this kind of job that can be a cheap man and earn money in the world.

Among the young ladies, there is one named Xiao Min who is very beautiful. Du Jun also likes to let her abuse himself
already. In fact, it was Xiao Min who killed him. Guowei Lin Guoqing also only had a relationship with Xiao Min.

“Sisters, what are we playing today?” A lady shouted.

“You still sing your songs today, I just need to lick your feet.” Du Jun said.

“How can I do that? They made you drink urine last time, but I didn’t have it at the time. I want you to say anything today.
try mine. ” said a lady named Tiantian.

“Okay, I’ll just drink it.” Du Jun said nonchalantly.

“Then let’s order some beer. Let’s drink it and let him drink urine. Haha.” Xiao Min said in the
Said with a smile.

The ladies started singing. But Du Jun obediently lay on the ground and licked their feet one by one. first from childhood
Min started. I saw Du Jun sniffing vigorously on Xiao Min’s feet forgetfully. As if this is not a stinky foot
, but like a fragrant flower. It made all the ladies laugh. It made Xiao Min feel a little embarrassed.

“You fucking smell so bad. Hurry up and lick it. My aunt hasn’t washed her feet these days, so she’s just waiting for you
Let me lick this bitch clean. “Xiao Min scolded.

Xiao Min didn’t lie, the smell on her feet was really strong. The toes are also full of black dirt. Can
Du Jun likes this tune. He sucked Xiao Min’s dirty toes one by oneLick it delicately.

“How about it, it tastes good. Isn’t it stinky? Haha.” Xiao Min playfully clamped Du’s body with his toes
army tongue.

“No, the queen’s feet are very fragrant.”

“Come and lick mine, mine is even more fragrant.” A girl kicked Du Jun lightly on the head

By the time Du Jun licked the third girl in turn, his mouth was already dry. He begs the girls to reward him

“Want to drink, right? Okay.” Xiao Min took a sip of the wine, rinsed his mouth, and then spit it out.
In an empty wine glass. “Come on, drink this wine.”

“And mine.” A girl came over and spat into the cup again. “Drink it.”

“Thank you queens for your reward.” Du Jun picked up the cup and drank it without hesitation. cause the girls again
burst of laughter.

“Let’s drink our wine, ignore him.” The girls started drinking and singing. Don’t let him lick his feet
, but kicked Du Jun’s face with his feet. Or let Du Jun lie on the ground with wine in their mouths
Spit directly into his mouth. Treat Du Jun like a dog.

After making a fuss for a while, the girls gradually started to urinate, and Tian Tian was the one who couldn’t wait the most. So she just wanted
He pissed, but the girls didn’t tell him to drink piss, and she was embarrassed by herself. Now she can’t hold it anymore
. She took a large caliber glass and ran to the corner to get up.

“Bitch, someone finally let you drink holy water. Are you happy?” Xiao Min asked Du Jun’s chin with his foot.

“Happy, happy.” Du Jun actually didn’t want to drink today, but the atmosphere at the scene made him have to drink again.

“Then I want you to eat shit today?” Du Jun hesitated. It turned out that after playing several times, they still didn’t let him
Eating poop. At most, he licked Xiao Min’s and another girl’s assholes.

“If I must eat, I will only eat yours.” Du Jun’s voice was very low.

“Haha. That’s fine. If you are lucky today, my aunt will reward you with some poop.” Xiao
Min bent over while laughing.

“No, you have to eat ours too.” The girls booed aside.

“Okay, okay, let him drink the urine first.” Tian Tian brought a full cup of urine in front of Du Jun.
The little girl urinates a lot.

“Drink piss, drink piss.” The girls coaxed loudly.

Du Jun held back his breath and drank the stinky cup of urine.

That’s when Lin Guoqing came to the karaoke hall to look for Xiao Min. He usually takes Xiao Min to play where he lives. actually
Xiao Min also hated him. After dating her, she never gave money. Sometimes Xiao Min complained a few words and was slapped by him
. When someone came here and asked Xiao Min to go there, Xiao Min refused to go there. This really annoyed Lin Guoqing
. He rushed in directly to catch Xiao Min away. But was stopped by Du Jun.

It turns out that Du Jun is also a person who hangs out on the ground in Nanchong City. Don’t look at him now, but in
Few people in Nanchong City dare to offend him. Because he is in the hands of the cityThere are several large companies and a factory
. But Lin Guoqing will not buy his account. A punch hit him in the face. Beat Du Jun so quickly that he flew out
Go hit the corner of the coffee table. The pain made him almost pass out.

“Boy, you dare to hit me.” Even though the corner of his mouth was bleeding, Du Jun’s tone was still very firm.

“Hit you, I made me anxious, I shot you down.” Lin Guoqing actually took out a gun from his bosom as he spoke.
Point the gun at Du Jun.

“You dare. You kid don’t even ask who I am? Hit me, hum. I’ll tell you to crawl and beg me tomorrow.
“Du Jun thought that Lin Guoqing had brought out a fake gun for show. He never expected that Lin would actually shoot.

With a “bang” gunshot, Du Jun fell into a pool of blood.

“Ah” This time the pot exploded. The girls rushed outside screaming loudly.

“Killer. Killer.” Shouts rang out.

Lin Guoqing’s friend also ran over when he heard the gunshots. Seeing Du Jun lying on the ground, he felt a little cold in his heart.
He knew that Du Jun had power here. If you don’t make it right, this place will be sealed off.

“Run fast.” He pulled Lin Guoqing up and ran out.

It’s also his bad luck. Li Xin actually brought a few policemen on duty here. call the police soon
It was passed on to them. They happened to run into Lin Guoqing.

“Stop.” A police officer shouted at them. But Lin Guoqing, who was already red-eyed, raised his hand and pointed at him
Let’s shoot here. A police officer was shot in the chest on the spot. Li Xin also drew out his gun at this time, and chased after him closely.

Lin Guoqing ran into a small alley. Li Xin assigned several police officers to stop him on the spot.



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