The Massacre of the Four Goddesses (2)

Author: llllllhhhhhh
Word count: 5327
After Huang Boliu and the others were killed, the remaining followers were sent to the sky one by one by Red Butterfly. Although Tao Xianniang felt a little offended, she couldn’t say anything. The rules of this business were like this. Even though they might be just insignificant pawns, seeing them kill people was definitely not to be let go.

The four of them immediately opened the boxes on the carriage. There were five boxes of silver in a carriage, four boxes of gold bricks in a car, a pearl agate in a car, and gold and silver jewelry in a car.

“Hahaha, it’s up to you now.” Tao Xianniang immediately brightened her eyes when she saw the jewelry, while Li Shuixian on the other side continued to wipe the floor without any reaction. The two formed a sharp contrast. ” B4 L1 [‘ e6 l0 h

Daisy shook her head and said, “You guys, have you forgotten that we have formed a relationship with the Qingcheng faction?”

“What are you afraid of? Anyway, they don’t know that we did it.”
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Red Butterfly didn’t answer, she just leaned on a pillar and looked at the sea, thinking about something.
The four people always distribute the money evenly, and the surplus is used to run the inn. After a few days of ordinary life, someone came to the inn again, but this time it was neither a diversion like the black and white duo, nor was it the escort caravan of Huang Boliu and others, but three middle-aged men dressed in official uniforms. % N9 H* x( \9 A1 ]
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“It seems that this time the people from the government are being killed.” Tao Xianniang murmured in a low voice, and walked forward to greet her. Before she got close, the leader of the three said, “You are under arrest” / s3 a( A; p’ w& K: V/ ~ ]
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“Yo, the official is really good at joking. I’ve never done anything bad as a little girl.” Tao Xianniang was surprised by what he said, but she still replied pretending to be joking.

“I didn’t mention you! Go aside”
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“It’s you, Red Butterfly!” the big man pointed at Red Butterfly.

Tao Xianniang turned her head to look at Red Butterfly in astonishment and said, “Do you know each other?”; `. [$ F’ r/ l
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“After all, I still can’t escape your pursuit. You are worthy of being the three heroes of Yuzhong. They have been traced here from Henan.” Red Butterfly said with a wry smile) y” h’ s: s, d
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“Hmph! Back then you killed Tongbai ShuangqiI should have expected that today would come”
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“Sigh, it’s a pity that you have to travel thousands of miles to seek death at the cost of many years.”

“What a bold tone!” The three of them pulled out their swords in unison.
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“Back then, the three of you brothers didn’t even catch me, and now I’m fighting three with four. It’s a pity that after you surrendered to the court, you have been the top arresters of Kaifeng Mansion, but now you are going to die in humiliation at our feet. If you want to survive, you should leave quickly.” Red Butterfly said softly; l/ z6 `$ B+ C- z+ e% }

“Bastard! How could the three of us give in to the demon’s power, but we will arrest you if we catch you!” The three of them rushed forward, piercing the air with their long swords, and stabbing at the red butterfly.
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Suddenly, the back kitchen curtain fluttered, and a kitchen knife flew out. With a bang, it was separated by a long sword. Daisy dashed out and took the kitchen knife to fight with one of them. Narcissus finally left the rag to wrap around one, and the last one, the boss of Sanying, fought with Red Butterfly.
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Daisy’s kitchen knife is superb, within three meters the knife is like a swimming dragon, forcing the man to dance the sword circle and he can only try to protect himself within half a meter. For a while, the sound of metal and iron clashing can be heard endlessly, and sparks are flying all over his body. For Daisy, he can’t attack the sword circle for a while. The pair of big breasts are very obstructive during the footwork. The dangling finally slows down Daisy’s knife. Laughing “You’re done!”* }/ i! m’ ~7 h9 R( t

Unexpectedly, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of Daisy’s mouth and said, “You are the end!”, and then pressed her body tightly, holding up her big breasts with both hands and smashing them in the other’s face. Although the round big breasts were extremely soft, they became like iron balls after being injected with inner strength.

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