The Massacre of the Four Goddesses (3)

Author: llllllhhhhhh
Word count: 5533
The four of them packed up all night, finally finished counting their personal belongings, took a nap, and were about to leave before dawn. According to their elder sister Red Butterfly, since people from the government like Yuzhong Sanying have found them, the government must have issued a reward order for the capture of the criminals. Now their inn is no longer safe. 4 L( Q+ _; E% a% M1 m3 S g
% U3 y* f: l5 o2 G9 E” m+ r4 x/ Q
The hunters who came here for rewards, as well as the relatives and friends of those killed by them, would come to settle accounts with them. Although they were not afraid of anything with their martial arts, it was better to do one thing more than one thing less, so they were blocked. ! u: {. V& g$ L2 E0 E
0 u. d. B2 W% |
The four people who came were all dressed in green cloth long gowns, carrying long swords, and they were clearly Qingcheng sect disciples at a glance.
0 V; T5 Z5 |* S! d Z’ |
“So it’s Qingcheng Fourth Young Master. I’m sorry that we are closed today.” Red Butterfly smiled when she saw where the four came from.

“I was still thinking about what kind of birthday gifts the senior brother in charge should prepare for his birthday. I happened to see the notice from the yamen. The bounty is quite high. You are unlucky. If you know my name as Fourth Young Master of Qingcheng, come back with us obediently to collect the reward money,” said the square-faced Gu Rentong.
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“Hehe, it seems that it is difficult to close the business today. There is no reason to refuse the customers who come to the door.” Red Butterfly raised her hand, and all the women pulled down the rope, and the store door was closed instantly, and eight people surrounded the lobby of the store.
Not much to say, the figures of the crowd flew around in the flash, catching and fighting each other, from the first floor to the second floor, from the hall to the kitchen, from the private room to the bathing place, the whole chaos was so intense. 5 s! @( l( y1 U& C0 ^% M
2 I) E8 G: |5 k4 ?7 `) w( n
The four women intentionally retreated while fighting, leading the enemy to a main battlefield that was beneficial to them. The four of them didn’t know the reason for this, but they just fought hard. The Qingcheng faction always thought highly of themselves and didn’t pay attention to the four women in front of them. 9 W; S) J) @4 m’ R1 a3 i
a9 V9 C’ U5 S# R” X
The warehouse is about three floors high, and many people who fell down were hanged upside down by ropes from the beams. Those people had no skin wounds on their bodies, and even their clothes were rarely damaged, but all of them died miserable. Without exception, their necks all grew out. Look.What came out was caused by external force, and the neck was stretched to death, and the blood and tears had dried up on the face. 6 i- o! ]! y; i, a1 T

Li Renhong didn’t dare to look any further, and just fought with all his strength. Although he had a long sword in his hand, he couldn’t even pierce the side of the opponent’s dress. He saw Narcissus flying in the jungle of fallen human flesh, like a brisk bird, whose lightness kung fu was far superior to him. Unexpectedly, there was such a skilled woman in this country shop.

“Can you hurt your compatriots like this?” Narcissus’ cold voice came faintly, like a ghost. m3 u$ k9 i2 X3 z” S, N

“What compatriots? Don’t run away if you have the ability, you bitches are pretending to be tricks.” Li Renhong roared. 0 R- v3 ~+ m& E& _- E; T’ K- @
9 [1 R+ d. Y X+ B
“You will be like them soon, aren’t you a compatriot?” After finishing speaking, several gauzes were shot from all directions, tying his limbs, and at the same time, an embroidered shoe flew over and knocked off the long sword in his hand with a snap.
G$ Z8 x, X3 X’ |” Q# d’ E1 i
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Who are you?”

“Have you ever heard of a flying python?” With the voice Li Shuixian floated down quietly, and at the same time, his legs clamped on Li Renhong’s chest, and the sudden increase of a person’s weight caused him great pain. At the same time, his chest was clamped, and he was almost suffocated. He said in a trembling voice, “One of the ten elders of the Sun Moon Demon Cult?” / O’ Y* m% g4 ^) R: R1 ~, T; p6 B
4 C5 u( |0 N, f# _5 _
“That’s right, it’s me”

“How about your age?” 2 [# f” G5 b( F f( x+ T6 {” F% U

“The elder of the previous generation is dead, and I am the new successor. We escaped because we were dissatisfied with Xiang Wentian being the leader.” Li Shuixian said while unbuttoning Li Renhong’s pants, and took out his penis to play with + Z {( e” D; f$ [0 G

It’s no wonder that he is not the opponent. Li Renhong already knew that he had no chance of winning at this moment, but he felt the abnormality in his lower body and couldn’t help but said in surprise, “What are you going to do, witch!”
2 p Q2 u m% b7 k: J4 I6 R* {) r+ Y
“Let’s play a game. If you can ejaculate, I’ll let you go. Time is like a stick of incense.” After speaking, he opened his cherry mouth and sucked Li Renhong’s weak penis down to the root, sucking it up.
/ {8 ]$ [! V4 s4 e
theIt was only then that Li Renhong noticed that there was indeed a stick of incense burning by the window on the second floor at some point. It can be seen that it had already been lit when he was tied up just now. . . . But he doesn’t have time to think about it now, the place near the window burns the incense faster because of the air flow, and now he is hanging upside down

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